Contact Hotel de Paris in Laval
Would you like more information about our hotel in Laval city centre?
Please contact us using the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.You can also ring us on +33 (0)2 43 53 76 20.
The information collected on this form is in connection with your request and recorded in a digital file by GRAND HOTEL DE PARIS and may result in a commercial relationship.
It is kept for 2 years and is only used by GRAND HOTEL DE PARIS.
In accordance with the "Information Technology and Civil Liberties" Act (in France), you can exercise your right to access your personal data and request its modification by contacting:
It is kept for 2 years and is only used by GRAND HOTEL DE PARIS.
In accordance with the "Information Technology and Civil Liberties" Act (in France), you can exercise your right to access your personal data and request its modification by contacting:
22 Rue de la Paix
53000 LAVAL
22 Rue de la Paix
53000 LAVAL